Sean Mah

Computer Engineer in Training


Welcome to my website! I'm a third-year computer engineering student with a love for all things technology. I enjoy learning and experimenting in many different fields which should be reflected in my project variety. I plan to pursue a career in technology so I hope this website can help showcase my passion.



  • Python
  • C++
  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • C


  • Unity
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Godot
  • Github
  • Microsoft Power Bi


  • Node.js, Express,
  • Steamworks
  • Google Cloud
  • SQL
  • Django


Godot Game (Cat Clash) (2024)

Singleplayer game made with the Godot Game Engine and GDScript. Extensive and fully-featured project where I implemented many complex systems. While uploading the game on Steam I also became familiar with Steamworks. Demo available here:

Full-Stack Web Multiplayer Real-Time Game ( (2024)

A party game where players write answers to prompts then vote on their favourite answers. Has cool features like private rooms, custom names, lobby settings, and lobby moderation. Made with HTML, CSS, JavaScript in the frontend and Node.js, Express, and in the backend. Deployed with Google Cloud App Engine. Available here:

Unity Game (Ingenium) (2023)

A large 2D simulation management game I made with the Unity engine. Coded in Unity's operating language of C#. Check it out for free at:

Discord Data Analyzer (2023)

An application which reads Discord data files into graphs, a csv file, and displays some interesting facts. Written in Python with Tkinter and converted to an exe with PyInstaller. Try it at: Google Drive

Discord Bot (2023)

A Discord bot which can answer commands and keep track of how many times users react with a certain emote. Users can find out what their score is, as well as the server leaderboard. This was made using an SQL database and the library. Available: Github

Java Desktop Game (MonsterSim) (2022)

A text-based RPG roguelite with a GUI coded using Java. Made for a school project so not too polished, but a decent concept which I would like to build on one day. Try it at: Google Drive

Contact & Links


Linkedin: @sean-mah-1498b5264

Github: @frenchcokes

Leetcode: @frenchcoke

Website and Design by me: Sean Mah (Last Edited: 2024-09-05)